Applying Online.

Before you begin your online application:

Please read the following checklist before submitting an application. The content of your application will only be reviewed by the owners and your documentation will be destroyed if we are not a fit.

You agree to the following:

  • You will provide consent to the names and locations of where you have been for treatment.
  • You will provide the date of your sobriety.
  • You will provide a list of the names and dosages of your current medications.
  • You will provide your authorization to speak to a list of individuals while in tenancy at Become Sober Home.
  • You must dedicate yourself to one of the following in your schedule: Volunteering, Attending School or Be Employed.

Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee residency. All applications must be reviewed, and interviews must be conducted prior to acceptance. If you do not hear from us within 7 business days, please contact us to verify that your submission was received.

I have read and agreed to the terms above.

Become Sober Home online application form.

Personal Information


Emergency Contact Information


Medical Information

Are you currently under the care of a physician or therapist? If yes, please provide details. List any medications you are currently taking:

Addiction and Recovery History


Recovery, Past Treatment, Program and Counselling Experience:


What motivated you to seek admission into our sober living home?


Employment and Education Information


Legal History


Do you have any pending legal charges or previous convictions? If yes, please provide details:

Additional Comments and Information

Please use this space to share any additional information you believe is important for us to know about you.

Acknowledgment and Consent

Please complete the checkboxes below:
