Frequently asked questions.

Do you have a quesiton that is not answered below? Please contact us.

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What is a sober living home?

A sober home offers a supportive drug-free environment for individuals voluntarily maintaining sobriety with minimal supervision.

What is the difference between a sober living and a halfway house?

A voluntary, self-managed environment for maintaining sobriety vs a structured supervised setting for legal or rehabilitative transitions.

Who is a good candidate for this home?

Men aged 29-40 years struggling with substances and who are serious about their recovery.

What are sober living requirements?

Men having completed a treatment program or men who have maintained sobriety for 30 or more days.

What are the House Rules?

A complete copy of the rules is available upon request.

Where is the house located?

Centrally located in Sudbury, Ontario

What is the focus of the program?

The prime focus of the sober living program is to support sustained recovery in a drug-free environment.

Do I need any identification?

A government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s license, health card or passport.

Do I need a referral to get in?

Self referrals are accepted.

Can I keep my medications while in the program?

Client may take prescribed medication.  The use of medication is subject to strict oversight and management by staff.

Do you accept clients who take methadone or Suboxone?


What is the wait time after my application is sent to receive confirmation I have a spot in Become Sober Home?

5 to 7 business days.

Is smoking permitted at the home?

Smoking is permitted in the backyard.

What can I expect during a typical day at Become Sober Home?

A typical day includes a morning routine, a house meeting, scheduled support meetings, household chores, meal preparation, personal free time and a set curfew to promote structure, responsibility and community living essential to recovery.

What should I bring with me while I reside at Become Sober Home?

  • Laundry soap/bleach/dryer sheets
  • Food
  • Personal Hygiene Items (shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving kit)
  • Gym shoes and workout clothes
  • Bathing suit if desired
  • Socks and underwear
  • Jacket (weather appropriate)
  • Footwear (appropriate to season)
  • Comfortable clothing for everyday wear
  • Pajamas
  • Small day pack
  • Prescription medication as prescribed and in original container
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Journal or notebook for personal reflection
  • Personal health card and relevant ID

What belongings are prohibited?

  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Vape pens
  • Weapons
  • Personal vehicle
  • Mouthwash or other items containing alcohol
  • Clothing with offensive slogans including clothing that promotes drugs and/or alcohol
  • Vehicle
  • Protein supplements or other supplements including creatine and steroids
  • Video game consoles
  • Valuables

Can I see family/friends while I am staying at Become Sober Home?

Family visits following a period of adjustment are encouraged as part of the recovery process, to help maintain healthy relationships and support networks.

Is Become Sober Home male only?

Yes, for men between the ages of 29 to 40.  Please contact the home directly if you do not fit within the range to determine if you might still be a good fit for the program.

Are pets permitted at the home?

We acknowledge the importance of emotional support animals. However, we are not equipped to accommodate pets within the home.

If you feel this is the right place for you or a loved one, then you can start the process by filling out an application today.

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